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Picture to article „How to prepare data“

How to prepare data

Documents should be provided with the correct parameters and the resulting effect fully answered your expectations, it is necessary to stick to the following instructions:

We adopt data files (but preferably print data, prepared as a 1:1 in the color space CMYK, .pdf): PDF, CDR, TIFF, PSD.

If we don´t receive the print data in an appropriate quality (in the print PDF), the submitter will be required subsequently certify the print data after converting to PDF with us. Delivery time can thus be extended and heftines also may be charged additional fees.

Open data formats AI, INDD and the similar we generally don´t accept (in our devices can cause deformation problems with fonts, etc.), respectively we recommend always pre-export to one of the following formats:


  • PDF version 1.3 to PDF 6.1, ideally according to standards PDF / X-3, PDF / X-1a, PDF / A or PDF / X-4th
  • All fonts, fonts converted to curves - if you are not sure that your software knows fonts into PDF correctly inserted. For text, use color to 100%, other components of 0%.
  • If you create a project in Corel Draw and takes advantage of fills, transparency, transitions, ideal is to exclude all texts from the project, the rest raster at 300 DPI in CMYK mode and then paste the text back to the resulting raster. Earlier versions of Corel PDF in case of use of these effects generate errors that are only in the final processing.
  • PDF size = net printed format + 5 mm minimum overlap on each side.
  • If the project contains bitmaps, they must be in a 1: 1 scale at 300 dpi.
  • CMYK color mode.
  • Distance graphical and text elements of a line trimming (trim size) of at least 4 mm - do not apply to images and backgrounds which will be in result up to the edge of the printed matter (called graphics the fallout). They should rather extend the line trimming of at least 2 mm.

JPG format

This is true for the PDF


  • This is true for the PDF
  • Merged TIFF without layers
  • Recommended LZW or ZIP

We don´t control the content of projects and we are not responsible for printing errors resulting from non-compliance with the above recommendations for preparation of print data. Feel free to contact us, we will help you with everything.